Hungarian IT architects’ overview

We’ve recently conducted a survey with IT architects from large Hungarian companies about their situation, and our senior consultant Péter Filetóth presented the results and conclusions in a great study. We have made some interesting findings about the IT architecture of large Hungarian companies, for example whether they follow foreign trends.
What justifies the presence of a team of architects on the IT line of an organisation and at what level do they operate? For enterprise architect teams, there is nothing better than a well-constructed, planned, future-proofed and maintained IT architecture that can avoid the risks of shadow IT. Although our study is not fully representative of the Hungarian market, we have come to some interesting conclusions from the analysis of the questionnaires.
The foreign trends on which our research is based were provided by Forrester's international analyst knowledge base, while the responses from Hungarian players were provided by representatives of the telecommunications and financial sectors. Although the responses cannot be identified, the results of the analysis are highly relevant and far from unique.
Architects play a central role on the specific and generic field of IT solutions, designing and managing the IT landscape, which includes policies, models, applications, connectivity and infrastructure. These plans are widely published, complete with colour boxes, arrows and markings, to create a vision for IT.
Read more about this topic and see our conclusions in the study (in Hungarian language): Clarity_szakmai-cikk_Architekti-korkep_20230614