Innovative technological solutions from agriculture to IT trends

Innovation is a key factor on the road to business success. This approach is reflected in our ClarUP forum system, which has been held four times a year since 2014 and focuses on innovative technology solutions, ideas and trends.
The first ClarUP Forum of the year started with a presentation by our colleague Benedek Köröshegyi, who shared his insights on the digitalisation of agriculture and precision farming. In agriculture, technology is very important and digital tools will allow us to run agriculture more efficiently and increase food production.
Erik Zsáki presented the projects or project initiatives currently running in our Machine Learning service, which are specifically focused on the agricultural industry. During the presentation, we discussed the opportunities and benefits of using innovative technology solutions that can help improve the way agribusiness operates.
The final presentation was given by our IT expert Zoltán Fábián, who presented a comprehensive overview of the latest IT trends, which will help consultants and developers to keep up to date with the latest information on the evolution and trends in information technology.
The speakers' interactive discussions and the many questions asked by the staff members helped us to fulfil the primary objective of our forum, to evangelise an innovative approach and culture, and to generate new product and service ideas.
The April ClarUP was a great success, with new inspiration and knowledge for all. Focusing on innovation, identifying and using new technologies will continue to be key to achieving successful business results in the future.