We became 20!

Our company turned twenty years old last November, but due to the pandemic we didn’t have the opportunity to celebrate it remarkably. In May this year, we celebrated this important milestone with a conference, together with a festive dinner and a party.
We started the day with professional presentations: our colleagues told us about exciting projects and popular professional topics. The substantial presentations lined up new perspectives, modern and innovative solutions: among others, we were able to gain insight into the world of digital education or machine learning, the challenges of complex enterprise system development projects, and also our company’s internal development projects and their results.
For location we chose the Normafa Rendezvényház, which provided a perfect environment with it’s young and modern interior design and green panorama.
In accordance with our traditions, we couldn’t miss the recognition of our colleagues: we thanked the persistent work of those who have strengthened our team for ten, fifteen and, for the first time, twenty years. We are proud of our dedicated team and the fact that more and more people join the awardees every year.
Celebrating a birthday there was no way to leave the cake and the party behind: speaking informally, party and dancing lasted until dawn. We hope, that the twenty-first will be spent also this eventful and together.