Clarity’s 20th anniversary Alumni party

What a day, what a 20 years!
Meetings, toasts, great conversations, a Clarity concert and fun till dawn. That's how Clarity's 20th anniversary Alumni Party was.
On a beautiful Friday evening in September, we invited all those who have made history with us over the past 20 years to reminisce and share memories and have a party unlike any other in Clarity's history. Nearly 100 "Clarity-ers" gathered on board the A38, which was filled with exciting stories in no time. After the speeches of the CEOs, the Clarity Band (Orsolya Dériné Dézsi, László Ternyik, András Nagy, Norbert Gerecs, Mátyás Veres and Zoltán Hegedűs) performed a rousing concert to enhance the atmosphere. Of course, there was also a cake party and, in keeping with Clarity tradition, we closed this extraordinary event with a party that lasted until dawn.
Thanks again to all participants for coming!