Our latest profession day – this time, online

This year, our professional day was, of course, held online in the middle of last month due to the coronavirus pandemic. The event was attended by nearly 50 colleagues, during which we were able to listen to exciting presentations and, of course, we also awarded the best works by category.
• Best presentation - Nagy Levente ➡ Data lineage 2020 challenges: Problems arising during the further development of the existing Dalia system and their remedies.
• Best lecturer - Marczell Zsófia ➡ IT response of a domestic insurance company to the COVID-19 situation: what obstacles did they encounter, how did they change their usual operation/rules in the case of important developments, and what developments came to in focus.
• Most interesting topic - Filetóth Péter ➡ Clarity competences, What we are successful and competent in: an analysis of the Clarity service portfolio, comparison of completed and ongoing projects, and employee competency levels.
Thank you everyone for the participation!