Collecting clothes – another succesful CSR activity

CSR in practice: we kept our good habits this year too, and continued collecting clothes for the people in need. We would like to thank again all who supported our action. Thanks to their devoted work, an estate car has recently been filled with the offered clothes.
Our enthusiastic team selected the clothes by gender and age groups carefully, then another diligent team of ours helped to deliver the goods to Adománytaxi, who will pass it on to the most needy.
Due to the transformation of the lower level of our office, our colleagues who want to join our Christmas shoebox gift project, will collect their items at home and will only bring them in before the handover.
Thanks again to everyone who made this transfer possible.
We would also like to draw your attention to the Eszkulap blog, which tells the story of some really indigent people who even you can help too. In the near future, we are thinking of supporting one of them directly as well.