How to save a life?

It's a good thing when a company tries to put the idea of social responsibility in practice. We hope to succeed on this particular level, because we are constantly looking for opportunities to help. We recently participated in the event of SzívCity organized by Alerant, where our colleagues got to learn the know-hows of resuscitation.
A member of our enthusiastic CSR team, Tamás Polgár, unfortunately leaves the deck now. We would also like to thank him for many years of persevering and enthusiastic support that he added to our CSR work and we regret deepfully that we will have to miss him from now on in this front. Our CSR team is now hiring. Any new enthusiastic applicants are welcome! We also greet our newest team meber, Szilvia Mikó.
Like last year, we accept clothes (in good condition) for donation, which are expected to be delivered to a worthy organization by the end of the year. Thank you all for your help!