

NEWS | Thursday September 14th, 2017

After last year's success, we also participated in the ITBUSINESS INNOVATION AWARD 2017 competition this year. We applied with the project titled "MigNon - Data migration management tool for the development and further development of Telenor Hungary project" in the project innovation section, which was presented by our colleague, Ottó Lovász at the INSIDE ITB 2017 event.

Unfortunately, this year – in a field of very prestigious competitors – we did not get the first prize, but we could certainly be proud that the jury found our topic worthy to participate in the contest.

We would like to express our special thanks to Ottó for being well prepared for the presentation of the project - in addition to the tasks of the very tight project (further development of migNon at MKB) -, as well as for our other colleagues who assisted in the compilation of the project and the presentation too.

For more information about the prize winners of the competition please click here.

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