
A consortium led by Clarity Consulting has been awarded a research and development grant for databasE and IT systems analysis
An application submitted by the consortium of Clarity Consulting and SZEGED Software receives HUF 363.67 million (EUR 1.2 million) in non-reimbursable EU funding. under GINOP-2.1.1-15 (Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme).
The project aims to design methodologies allowing the analysis and evaluation of the structure and data connections of databases, as well as to develop and to market software tools based on these methodologies. The R&D activities are expected to last 24 months and will be performed in Szeged.
Clarity Consulting Ltd. is a privately founded and Hungarian-owned consulting company based in Hungary, established in 2001, specialized in management and IT-related consultancy services, as well as the implementation of IT solutions. One of its strategic goals is to increase its exports by marketing and continuously improving internationally competitive products, including the software tools developed in the R&D project to be launched.
Szeged Software Inc. was established in 1989. The company develops software applications that meet the specialized, business-critical IT needs of wholesalers’ logistics. Its partners are primarily pharmaceutical wholesalers. In addition to strengthening its existing market position, the company has set two strategic goals: on the one hand, to expand its market share in the pharmaceutical wholesale market, on the other hand to extend its existing software products into other sectors of the economy. These objectives are served by the product line approach formulated in the submitted application.
The project’s research activities aim to develop world-class, cutting edge methodologies to explore the structure of a database, to assess its quality on the basis of objective criteria, and to extract the designer and developer knowledge encoded in the IT system. The research of the consortium will be supported by the expert staff of partner universities.
The development work will be based on the research results and aims to develop software capable of automatic analysis and visualization of knowledge. The first practical application of the new methodologies will also be realized; an existing pharmaceutical wholesale logistics software application is to be transformed into a wholesale logistics software, a related new product, which is marketable in sectors outside the pharmaceutical industry.
The project receives a support of HUF 363.67 million (EUR 1.2 million) through the „Support for the R&D&I activities of enterprises” call (GINOP 2.1.1–15 - Economic Development and Innovation Operative Programme), within the framework of the Széchenyi 2020 programme. This grant will allow the consortium members to create eight new research jobs and significantly increase both their R&D&I revenue and their exports.
The R&D activities of the project will be performed in Szeged, Hungary and are planned to be completed by 14 November 2018.
For further information please contact:
Csaba Péter Deák
Research group leader
+36 (1) 422 3030