
Clarity Innovation LAB summary – a look back over the past year

NEWS | Thursday July 12th, 2018

Looking back to the results of our in-house innovation project, LAB (that we started last year), it resembles now to a flower-covered tree in the spring. Although its crops have not yet come to fruition, some of the expected results are already visible and tangible, as evidenced by the presentation of our colleague, presented to us during our professional day in May. Here's a brief summary of her presentation.

At the launch of our project, we first made provision for the systematization, enumeration and consolidation of existing and under development IPs (Intellectual Property). The ISO workflow included processes, responsibilities and goals for IP management; we have prepared our IP evaluation chart and the mindmap of IPs that are actively being sold.

We managed to uncover new financial resources which will support the development tender of the winners of the internal strategic IP competition held in January. On the other hand, we submitted a KFI application, the results of which we are awaiting now.

We have also made great advances in the field of knowledge management, thanks to the creation of regular, highly visited ClarUP forums (blockchain, data science, conference reports, Forrester representation etc.) as well as the launching of "Intelligent Parking" home competition (as a result of this we will develop a sensory parking system in our private car park).

As a first result of our marketing initiatives, our LAB brochure has been completed, which is the outcome of our completely in-house design and implementation. We have already successfully tried it on the "Economy" job market.

We plan to develop LAB further this year. The leader of the LAB thanked all his colleagues who helped him directly or indirectly on the project. If we continue this way, next year, we can harvest the fruits of this beautifully flowering tree.

Clarity_kommunikacio_Webhir_20180712_Clarity eloadas LAB-szakmai nap

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