
Emerging technologies and the future of financial services

NEWS | Thursday February 8th, 2018

A host of emerging technologies, including many that fall under the umbrella of artificial intelligence (AI), are revolutionizing how financial services firms can design and deliver services to customers. Business and technology teams must work together to deconstruct today’s processes and experiences into parts, enabling them to construct tailored digital services and experiences that solve customers’ immediate needs.

Forrester offers free annual opportunities for financial sector participants to engage in a day-long event, on which they can meet Forrester’s top analysts and, of course, discuss key issues. Despite the fact that the event is being held on March the 15th, more and more Hungarian citizens are participating in the event each year too.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact our colleague: Andrea Bodnár, Country Exclusive Representative, Tel: +36 20 9148403

For more information, please click here.

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